"70 scholarships awarded since 1996 totaling over $100,000"
Weldon H Smith Foundation History

The Weldon H. Smith Scholarship Foundation was formed in Henrico County, Virginia in 1996, in memory of the late Weldon H. Smith. Weldon was a native of Bedford, Virginia where he attended public schools. He received a Bachelor’s of Science Degree in Business Education from Saint Paul's College, Lawrenceville, Virginia. He taught in the Bedford School System before moving to Richmond, Virginia. After moving to the Richmond area with his wife Patricia, Weldon became very active in civic and church activities. He served as a Deacon and President of the church choir at Ebenezer Baptist Church. He also served as President of the Richmond chapter of the Saint Paul's College Alumni Association, as well as, Charter member and President of Xi Delta Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., Henrico, Virginia.
The Xi Delta Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Incorporated announces the continuation of the WELDON H. SMITH SCHOLASTIC ACHIEVEMENT AWARD. This is being made available for the support of an African-American male who has demonstrated both academic promise as well as financial need.
Xi Delta Lambda

Xi Delta Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. was chartered on March 5, 1982 in Henrico County, Virginia. The official chartering ceremony was held on May 22, 1982 at the Holiday Inn Downtown.
The charter members of Xi Delta Lambda Chapter are Phillip E. Battle, James P. Cuffee, Alan J. Foster, Sr., John S. Greene, Jr., Clifton Johnson, James M. Johnson, John C. Puryear, Leo H. Ross, Weldon H. Smith, Dennis R. Winston, James E. Wright, Jr., and Carrol E. Zanders.
Weldon H Smith Foundation Board
Harold Jones
Jerry Fitz, Chairman
Jim Mason
James Johnson, Secretary
Leo H Ross
Jerome Lee
Victor Rogers
Lewis Farmer, Treasurer